Sting Additives has the technology, the research facilities and the products to support manufacturers in modifying their products to comply with the European Biocides Regulation, both in terms of biocide content and labelling (CLP).
In close cooperation with the manufacturer, Sting develops customised solutions which, in combination with fewer or different preservatives, guarantee at least the same shelf life and quality.
The Sting Additives are based on the proven effectiveness of quat-polymers. Unlike many toxic biocides that chemically react with enzymes in bacteria, quat-polymers have a physical effect to which bacteria have no suitable response and do not develop resistance.
Operating Method
Sting Additives does not supply ready-made standard additives. Each solution is preceded by an extensive development process in close cooperation with the client. Our researchers and lab technicians have advanced laboratory facilities and work side by side with the manufacturer’s R&D and/or quality staff. The patented Sting® technology is the basis for every project and is further developed into a customised solution for every application.